熱いぞ暑いぞ! デス ヴァレー国立公園(アメリカ)

English Version


今回は、カジノで有名な ラス ヴェガス(Las Vegas)から、デス ヴァレー国立公園(Death Valley National Park)往復の、熱い暑い日帰りのバスツアーを紹介します。


夏季、デス ヴァレー の平均気温は38度C(100度F)、しばしば48度C(120度F)を越えます。当然ながら、ツアーでは、紫外線や日焼けにも十分な注意が必要です。観光のベストシーズンは冬かも知れません。


①早朝、ラス ヴェガス のホテルを小型バスで出発。



②③デス ヴァレー国立公園の入口まで、片道約3時間。





バッドウォーター ベイスン(Badwater Basin)

「北米大陸で、最も熱く、最も乾燥した、最も低い地」(the Hottest, Driest, and Lowest Land in North America)と言われる。










⑩異次元体験を終え、不夜城のラス ヴェガス に戻ったのは暗くなってから。

静寂で、何も無かった デス ヴァレー がやけに懐かしく感じた。

冬に、ラス ヴェガス、デス バレー国立公園への旅のプランを立ててみたらいかがでしょうか?


The hottest land : Death Valley National Park(U.S.A.)

Japanese Version

Hi, this is Fe@NJ, who has passed Second Grade of Timetable Test in Japan.


This time I introduce a one-day bus tour from Las Vegas, famous for casinos, to and from the extremely hot’n hot Death Valley National Park.

In summer months, the average temperature of Death Valley is 100°F (38°C), and frequently exceeds 120°F (48°C).  Of course, on the tour it is necessary to pay high attention to ultraviolet rays and sunburn.  The best season of sightseeing might be winter.


①Early in the morning, I departed from the hotel of Las Vegas by a small bus.
The allocation for the bottled drinking water, loaded therein, was one gallon (about four liters) per person!


②③It takes approximately three hours to reach the entrance of Death Valley National Park.



④⑤The terrain caused by the uplift is a strange landscape.



Badwater Basin

It is said as “The Hottest, Driest, and Lowest Land in North America”, 282 feet (85.6 meters) below sea level.

A large amount of salt, which is white on the surface of the earth, remains since the sea of ancient times dried up


⑦Salt water seeped out in the hole and it accumulated.



⑧It is amazing that there is such a place still on our earth.


⑨It is a very harsh environment for plants.


⑩I finished a different dimension experience, then, I came back to Las Vegas, the all-night entertainment city, after dark.
I really felt nostalgic for noiseless Death Valley which had nothing.

Why do not you try planning a spirit in Las Vegas and Death Valley National Park in Winter♪


Thank you and see you next time!


English Version

こんにちは、Fe@NJ です。
























A trip to Chendu and Research Base of Panda (People’s Republic of China)

Japanese Version

Hi, this is  Fe@NJ, who has passed Second Grade of Timetable Test in Japan.

I went to Chengdu famous for Panda base!


①I boarded an Air China aircraft


②I requested Chinese cuisine as well as on-flight meals.


③④Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding

Pandas healed my heart from the bottom.


Leshan Giant Buddha

It was completed in 803 and the height is 232Ft / 71m.


Du Fu’s Thatched Cottage Museum

Memorial museum of the poet, Du Fu (712 – 770) of the era of ancient China, Tang Dynasty



⑦A poet titled Chūn Wàng (Spring View): The nation is broken, though mountains and rivers remain~

I learned it in classes of high school Chinese Classics.

When you hear Chūn Wàng in Chinese, the rhyme is really sweet.

If you are interested, please search YouTube.


⑧Rental ethnic costume!



⑨Authentic Sichuan dish: Mapo Tofu


⑩The massage worked very well.

How is your impression?

Thank you and see you next time!

五月の ウィスラー リゾート(カナダ)

English version





カナダ西部の ウィスラー リゾート(Whistler Resort)は、2010年 バンクーバー冬季オリンピックの競技会場として、一躍有名になりました。場所は、バンクーバーの北、約130kmです。ここでは、オール シーズンにわたり、種々の非日常的な体験が出来ます。





②③ウィスラーのブラックコム山(Blackcomb Mountain)の中腹以上では、五月中頃まで、まだまだスキーが可能だった。


⑥乗馬ツアー、ウエスタン スタイル、牧場主の愛犬も同行。




《重要!!》ポケモン トレーナーの皆様へ。

カナダやアメリカに行った際、北米限定の「ケンタロス」(英語名 Tauros)その他を捕まえるのを忘れないように!!




Whistler Resort, Canada, in May

Japanese version


Hi, this is Fe@NJ, who has passed Second Grade of Timetable Test in Japan.

From this month, I am going to be in charge of “the overseas travel enriching our life” series, six stories in total.


Whistler Resort in western Canada has become more famous as a venue for the Winter Olympic Games 2010 in Vancouver.  The location is approximately about 80 miles / 130km north of Vancouver.  You can experience various remarkable experiences throughout the year herein.

Now, shall we go to Whistler in May!


①When the direct flights between Tokyo and Vancouver are fully booked, you can go and transfer in Seattle, United States.

I find an aircraft of Alaska Airlines of which the vertical tail mark is very interesting.

②③Until mid-May, skiing was still possible at the ski slopes beyond the middle of Blackcomb Mountain in Whistler Resort.

④⑤A glacier sightseeing tour going by helicopter.  After landing on the glacier, it is lunch.  It is a very extraordinary experience.

⑥Participated in a horseback riding tour, attached western horn saddle.  The rancher’s dog followed us.

⑦We entered the river which had risen due to thaw.  Horses were nervous so as not to take their legs.  Shake ‘n shake!

⑧The doggy could not reach the bottom of the river bed, and desperately pursued demonstrating the dog rush for maximum effect (lower right).

⑨After special plays, then, to the supermarket.  Fresh vegetables and fruits are very delicious.

⑩《IMPORTANT》To all Pokémon Trainers

When you go to Canada or the United States, do not forget to catch Tauros’ (Japanese name: Kentaros) and the others which are available in North America only!

Why do not you try planning a spirit in Whistler during the holiday season in May next year♪


Thank you and see you next time!